Yes, those presents are all Kaylie and Taylor's. They enjoyed Christmas and even got into opening their presents. We had a great visit with The Stovalls, The Pettigrews, Aunt Cathy, and George. Unfortunately I think we all are now sick. Kaylie is really enjoying her toys she can walk with while holding onto them. She takes some steps by herself but hasn't mastered walking yet. Taylor is now standing and walking while holding onto something. She puts her hand out to greet people. Neale calls it the "fist pump" or "knuckles" but I think she thinks she is the Queen and we are supposed to kiss her hand. Either way it is pretty cute. She thinks it is funny. She also likes to touch heads with people and give them kisses (which are all opened mouth kisses which might explain why we are all now sick). She also gives her stuffed animals and dolls kisses. She can say "Dada" "Dad" "Mama" "Sissy" "Doggy" and she is pretty good at repeating words that you say. Christmas morning she got us up at 5:30 so I brought her into our bed. She was leaning over Neale saying "Dada, Dad, Dad, Dada" and finally he woke up and took her and then she leaned over to me and started saying "Mama, Mama, Mama" it was pretty cute and also pretty evident we weren't going back to sleep. It amazes me how full of personality they are at 11 months. Kaylie is a mama's girls and wants lots of TLC. She likes to give hugs and wants to be held. The girls get really jealous if you hold one of them and not the other one. I am trying to teach them that we take turns and sometimes they seem to understand and sometimes they cry. If one is eating the other one wants to eat. If one is getting hugs, the other one wants hugs. I definitely need more arms. I took them to the grocery store for the first time this week. You take for granted being able to do things like that but with 2 babies there is no way for me to push a cart and 2 babies at the same time. My trip to the grocery store didn't go very well and I won't be trying it again any time soon. We spend alot of time at the house because it is quite an event trying to get us all some place. I can't really take them both to run errands or shop or anything. Kaylie weighs 17lbs 4 oz and Taylor weighs 17lbs 14 oz. and by the time you add their car seats I can hardly walk and carry them both. I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so we can play outside of the house. Taylor loves music. She has a little guitar and she thinks she is a rockstar. Both girls dance when they hear music. They are such happy babies. We have had a wonderful year and we are truly blessed.



Roxy and Taylor. Taylor loves to pet the dogs. She laughs at them all the time and has learned to be gentle with them.

Kaylie is a walking machine with the help of this toy. She loves it.

Granddad Stovall and Taylor bumping foreheads. Taylor thinks it is hilarious.

When Kaylie is in the pack and play Taylor crawls over to her and they touch hands. Taylor sits there and says "Sissy, Sissy, Sissy"

Granddad Stovall kissing the hand of the Queen